關於guilt trip的評價, Mia Chai (蔡安廷)
Our current status🎢 He is super busy working for year end events and video content. So I’m the only...
Our current status🎢 He is super busy working for year end events and video content. So I’m the only...
Tomorrow, I am flying for work again and I am fee...
這波疫情宅在家 我像是讓自己放了假 剛才早安新聞還跟小路說感覺好像在過年 因為通常我只有春節假期會通...
假肉,不了。 由細到大都憎植物牛油。 //假肉殺入連鎖快餐店,半點不是新事,在歐美早有,KFC有齋...
When I was in Ghana for the @pencilsofpromise fie...
Milton Goh was born in Singapore in 1993. Currentl...
Asian parents be like “I know a place☝🏻" and take ...
Milton Goh was born in Singapore in 1993. Currentl...
打針L和移民L,多的是。 做不到曉以大義,主打情緒勒索、guilt trip屈人、或直接罵人「唔打...
i am fed up with the guilt tripping. 唔出嚟就對唔住義士, 出嚟...